"Among these teachings was the independent investigation of reality, so that the world of humanity may be saved from the darkness of imitation and attain to the truth; may tear off and cast away this ragged and outgrown garment of a thousand years ago, and may put on the robe woven in the utmost purity and holiness in the loom of reality."
This is a resource for the exploration, through a Bahá'í lens, of the "perennial philosophy", or "divine philosophy" as it is called in the writings of the Bahá'í Faith. It contains over 6,000 quoted passages, mostly from the Bahá'í writings, grouped and organized in outline form. If the outline organization is not helpful it can be switched to an alphabetical list of topics; or try instead using the search box.
Many quotations are linked to the Bahá'í Reference Library—the sole authorized online repository of Bahá'í texts—or to a secondary source, so that the fuller context can be seen. Links to original Persian or Arabic texts at the Bahá'í Reference Library are also provided in many cases.
Quotations within each category are shown in no particular order. Quotations from authors beyond the Bahá'í writings have been included where they highlight a striking parallel or clarify an obscure concept. Bahá'í sources of lesser authority—provisional translations and pilgrim notes—have also been included as interesting material to be taken for what it is worth; the relative weighting of sources is left to the good judgement of the reader.
Suggestions for improvements and additions are welcome (email loom.of.reality@gmail.com).
Click a category to begin browsing (on mobile, the sandwich icon at upper right). To see the same material organized along more simplified lines, see the appendix to the "Partial Inventory" elsewhere on this site.
Version 1: July 1995 — First internet version: November 2012 — Latest Update: April 2024